Wall clock decor

The wall clocks decor in my home are quite a decor statement. I love them for the big wow they create in each room they are in! Clocks… sort of Flava Flav style have been a hot trend over the last few years. They come in lots of different styles to go with practically everything else you put in a room. I’ve scoured the web for the best wall clock around! Let’s talk about using wall clock decor!

Yesterday’s podcast was all about NEUTRAL DECOR DONE RIGHT. Tons of tips and little color theory too!

Or listen to all 38 episodes here. Remember to take us on the go with you and listen to us on your smartphone. You can find Decorating Tips and Tricks in your podcast app.

Now let’s talk about wall clocks decor!

Clocks are an inexpensive way to fill a wall and make a statement all at the same time! Think of them as decor and not just a way to see the time!

A well placed oversized wall clock is the best way to add that one item in a room that pops! It is a staple decor item, yet its style may be unexpected. Use a wall clock to add a punch of color or bring a bit of whimsy to a room!

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